Fish Hatcheries and Weirs
Pettit Creek Sockeye Weir
The Pettit Creek Sockeye Weir was an astonishing project which entailed the destruction of the old, outdated fish structure and replacement with a newly designed weir which provides; a safe environment for fish biologist to work in, a secure and safe location to hold sockeye salmon, improved trapping efficiencies for sockeye smolt migrating downstream and the trapping and holding of returning adult salmon which aide in future recovery actions for the endangered Snake River Salmon.
Wells Hatchery
The Wells Hatchery Dirt Pond Reconfiguration and Liner Replacement project involved upgrades to three fish ponds and the installation of special geomembrane liners in five fish ponds. Upgrades included the construction of three water control/fish collection structures, fish piping, influent and effluent water piping, predator netting, and a sump station. The project involved extensive dirt work as two new ponds had to be created, and existing ponds had to be substantially re-shaped.